Agni Suktam – A Hymn that Invokes Lord Agni for Brilliance

AstroVed’s Astrology Podcast show

Summary: The Rigveda, the oldest of the Vedas, begins with the Agni Suktam. It is addressed to Agni, the fire-god, who protects and enables human beings to attain perfection. In Vedic literature, Agni is a major god, often invoked along with gods like Indra and Soma. Agni is believed to be the mouth of the gods and goddesses. It is the medium that conveys offerings to them during the fire lab or Homa. A sage of the Rig Veda says that only when Agni was born, the Sun became visible. The Agni Suktam praises Agni and the material and spiritual benefits that it gives us. Agni is also a manifestations of the Supreme God, and by worshipping Agni, we can achieve brilliance.