Suspense – Sorry Wrong Number (East Coast). ep43, 430525

Suspense and Horror – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Features Agnes Moorehead. A story of a woman who overheard a telephone conversation when lines get crossed. She hears plans for a murder. What should she do?<br> The phone operators are no help. She tries to report what she heard to the police. Details unfold. We learn that this woman is an invalid who is confined to bed, she lives in an area of town that fits the description that matches what she heard of the murder plans. The cops try to assure her, but she grows more frantic. If only she could get through to her husband, but his line is always busy. Her emotions are driven to a peak when her phone begins ringing, but nobody is there when she answers.<br> The roller coaster ride of nerves and emotion is renewed when the woman learns that her husband was called out of town on business. As the time for murder draws near, paranoia runs high. Listen in and live through the suspense of this story. Are the killers after her? Is she just paranoid?<br> Trivia Alert: The designation, East Coast, in the show title indicates that this the version of the show that aired in the East. Due to time zones, it was a common thing to transcribe the show to air at a more convenient time for other time zones. Sometimes a different recording was done to fix flubbed lines, or to change jokes for comedy programs.<br> PS: While you’re busy reading this, and enjoying these great shows, why not leave me a comment? Tell me what you think of the shows, or my web page.<br>