Lisa Fey, Ed Brzychcy, & Marcia Reynolds on Thought Leader Life Credibility Specials (MLP078)

Mitchell Levy Presents AHA Moments show

Summary: Get to know these successful thought leaders and find out how they present themselves and their crafts as experts in their fields. Lisa Fey is an accomplished communication expert, speaker, and author who helps leaders overcome today’s most prevalent business challenge: communication. By sharing her strategic communication tools through keynotes, training, and workshops, she helps enhance team communications throughout the entire organization. If you’re a leader of an org and recognize that your team’s performance is ineffective because you have ineffective communication, reach out to Lisa Fey at Ed Brzychcy ( ) coaches business leaders with his consulting firm, Blue Cord Management, so that they can build more robust, agile and collaborative teams in their organizations. Ed Brzychcy is a former U.S. Army Infantry Staff Sergeant who served three combat deployments during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He draws on lessons he learned while leading teams of soldiers in the military. Ed is passionate about helping executive teams bridge the gap between strategy and execution by increased organizational collaboration. If you want to bridge the gap between strategy and execution within your org, you should consider reaching out to Ed Brzychcy by visiting his website: Marcia Reynolds ( is the president of Covisioning, a leadership coaching and training firm. She has provided coaching and training in 41 countries and is recognized by global gurus as the number-three coach in the world. Through speaking, training, and coaching, Marcia helps senior executives, leaders, and coaches hold powerful and effective conversations that change people’s minds, hearts, and behavior. She can help you increase emotional intelligence, engagement, and results. If you need clarity and perspective so you can figure out what you need to move forward as a leader, consider reaching out to Marcia Reynolds by visiting her website, Global Credibility Expert, Mitchell Levy is a TEDx speaker and international bestselling author of over 60 books. As The AHA Guy at AHAthat (, he helps to extract the genius from your head in a two-three hour interview so that his team can ghostwrite your book, publish it, distribute it, and make you an Amazon bestselling author in four months or less. He is an accomplished Entrepreneur who has created twenty businesses in Silicon Valley including four publishing companies that have published over 800 books. He’s provided strategic consulting to over one hundred companies, and has been chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. Mitchell has been happily married for thirty years and regularly spends four weeks in Europe with family and friends. Visit for an archive of all the podcast episodes. Connect to Mitchell Levy on: Mitchell Levy Present AHA Moments: Thought Leader Life: AHAthat Radio: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit