OSSB Podcast May 2020 Episode 3


Summary: Welcome to episode 3 of the May edition of the OSSB podcast. In this episode we catch up on OSSB news and talk about gardening from a blindness prospective. If you want to register for a virtual summer camp, click on the following link. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07egz35gewc52f540f&fbclid=IwAR291AMiwVF9ETPGgP2OAip7pscm7mCeP-aCh_cfXqkNiliLuwU7zBf8_A8&llr=agn49dabb Summer camps are open to any student in the state of Ohio with a visual impairment. Thank you again as always for tuning in. If you would like to contribute to our podcast, please leave me a voicemail at 614-468-8866 or send an email to dkelley@ossb.oh.gov