Episode 19 - Debbie Furman - z/OS Test - 10.23.2017

Terminal Talk show

Summary: <p>Being a tester means knowing a bug's favorite hiding places. If you're a defect, you don't want to play hide and seek with Debbie Furman, a z/OS Function Tester Extraordinaire.</p> <p>We’re still looking for votes! http://ibm.biz/newstudio</p> <p> </p> <p>2:40 28 Years in Test</p> <p>3:54 Terminal Talk Anthem Right Here</p> <p>6:29 Stages of Test</p> <p>12:14 Regression Testing</p> <p>14:38 Debugging</p> <p>17:39 My Favorite Defect!</p> <p>20:11 Serialization </p> <p>20:58 "Testers are a Devious Lot"</p> <p>23:07 Managing APARS with multiple releases</p> <p>24:07 Many many many hats</p> <p>26:52 Advice for Future Testers</p> <p>30:41 Perspective</p> <p>email: contact@terminaltalk.net</p> <p>twitter: @TerminalTalk</p>