Overcoming the epidemic of loneliness with Peter Montoya

Eventual Millionaire show

Summary: Episode Highlights: How to overcome the epidemic of loneliness (Especially in time of the coronavirus pandemic), Tips on 5-minute meditation, Distinction between guilt and shame, How to stop your addiction to your phone (people-to-people connection vs. people-to-device connection), Why business owners should pay attention to their well-being and emotions, What to focus on to be happier in life, What kind of relationships really matters (And how to cultivate it), Distinction between being alone and being lonely, Learn how to improve your emotional intelligence (EQ), How to give a person some feedback (Especially your team), Advice to business owners and leader during this corona craziness, Difference between deep friendships and business friendships, Why you need power (And why it is more important than wealth), Difference between empowerment versus disempowerment...