The Solution Zone - 05/02/12

Solution Zone show

Summary: Topic #1 - Occupy Wall Street Re-surges in May Day Protests and Events Guests - Jackie Di Salvo - OWS May Day Organizer Arun Gupta - Journalist, Founder of the Independent and co-founder of the OWS Journal Jackie Discuses the Occupy Wall Street May Day protests with over 50 unions and 20 emigrant organizations to rallying in Union Square and march led by  transit workers, who are facing wage freezes and benefits cuts. Arun discusses the co-optation of the OWS movement by various political groups who seek to use the name and concept but do not uphold the principles and vision of Occupy Wall Street. Topic #2 - Topic: 17 Year Old  is Suing the Federal Govt. for Not Addressing Global Warming Alec Loorz -  Founder - Kids Vs Global Warming, Alec discusses his long involvement with the global warming cause and his lawsuit on the grounds that the atmosphere is a Public Trust the Federal Govt. is  by law required to protect for future generations