The Solution Zone - 05/09/12

Solution Zone show

Summary: Topic: Rupert Murdoch - Unifit to Broadcast - Should the FCC Revoke His 27 Broadcast Licenses? Guests: Melanie Sloan -Exec. Director - Citizen’s Responsibility and Ethics in Washington - CREW Karl Grossman - Professor of Journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, chief investigative reporter for WVVH-TV In a scathing report, the British Parliament House of Commons has declared Rupert Murdoch “Unfit to broadcast." What will be the ramifications be in the US, where FCC rules state that "broadcast frequencies may be used only by people of good “character,” who will serve “the public interest,” and speak with “candor,." Will Rupert Murdoch lose his 27 licenses