Why do We Dream? Why are Sloths so Sleepy? Why are Camels grumpy?

Everything Under The Sun show

Summary: Hello and welcome to episode 58 of Everything Under The Sun – I hope everyone is doing okay at home! This week we're talking about sleepy sloths, dreams and camels. Our first question is about a sleepy animal, called a sloth and it comes from Alice, 5, she would like to know why do sloths sleep so much?  We also discuss Catrin's question, which is why do we dream?  I have David Eagleman who is a neuroscientist - that’s someone who studies the brain - and a best selling author. He has written books all about the brain and is interested in dreams, he has an answer for you, over to David!   Our third question is about something grumpy which you might feel if you don't get enough sleep, or you have a bad dream it is from Christopher. He would like to know why are camels grumpy?  A big thank you to Christopher, Catrin and Alice for this week’s questions and to David Eagleman for talking to us about why we dream!  I hope you all have a lovely week, coming up with fun things to do while you’re all at home and wishing you all sweet dreams. Do send everyone who doesn’t know about it and might like it the link to the podcast and ask them to subscribe to the show. If you get time you can leave a review and send me a question! To send a question just ask an adult to borrow their smartphone, record yourself saying your name and your age and a bit about yourself and send it into me at molly@everythingunderthesun.co.uk If your parents are on instagram tell them to follow @mollyoldfieldwrites so we can all stay in touch!  Thanks everyone! Sending lots of love for a good week ahead, thank you and GOODBYE! David Eagleman - https://www.eagleman.com Podcast website: www.everythingunderthesun.co.uk Twitter @mollyoldfield  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>