4.22.20 AM | Oh Hell No! Comandante Hidalgo Has Gone And Did It Now!

The Michael Berry Show show

Summary: The new Collectors firearms opens its doors; Academy sports stores look bare after a run on weights, treadmills, guns &amp; ammo; how Mike Tyson looks these days; Mcdonalds feeding first responders; Harris County judge Lina Hidalgo to force all citizens to wear masks in public; <br><br>The czar laughs at people who drive around wearing a mask; plus, more on Lina Hidalgo’s mandatory mask policy; HPD lunches update and next week’s lunches for all first responders<br><br>Guest: Matt Brice with Federal Grill how has he plans to open back up &amp; what he’s been doing to stay in business<br><br>The strange mentality behind the plan to kills businesses in order to save lives