5 Key Principles to Business Success and How to Utilize Them

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Today we are going to talk about 5 Key Principles to Business Success and How to Utilize Them. Understanding common keys to business success is essential to any business owner who is looking to move on to the next level. A lot of people don’t understand that almost all successful businesses have a few things in common. Figuring out exactly what these common denominators are and how to use them in your business can provide you with some very valuable insight as you seek to increase revenue and enlarge your profit margins. Principle #1… Be Organized Organization is key when it comes to business. If you can’t take care of your desk, then how do you plan on taking care of your company? Keeping everything organized, from paperwork to personnel, will not only eliminate confusion, but will set a good example for everyone in your firm. How to Utilize Organization for Your Business Utilizing this principle begins with YOU. To start with, never leave an area without making sure that you have organized it. If you have papers on your desk at night, organize them and put them away before you go home. On the same note, make sure that employees keep their areas neat and tidy. Never allow clutter or chaos to rule your workspace. If you have several people doing the same job, you can take a picture of the ideal workspace and how to organize it for maximum effectiveness. Add this photo to the procedures manual so everyone has access to it. Principle #2… Do Research Neil Armstrong once said “In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand.” When it comes to business, it is extremely important to investigate before taking a leap, and this investigation is exactly what research is. How to Utilize Research for Your Business Use research to test any theories that you might have before taking decisive action. Are you thinking of carrying a new type of product? Then do some research and find out if your clients/prospects would buy such a product. Decisions that are not researched thoroughly beforehand can end up failing, especially if you happen to guess wrong about factors that could have been tested and investigated beforehand. Principle #3… Be Passionate Being passionate about what you are doing is a must have if you want to move ahead. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, then odds are good that you are going to get burnt out and sick of it. The most successful businesses in the world were founded by people who were so passionate about what they were doing that a day never went by that felt like work. That is exactly what you should be looking for! How to Renew and Utilize Your Passion for Your Business Rediscovering your passion can sometimes be difficult, especially if you have been going through hard times. If work is starting to feel a lot like WORK, then rediscover why you loved it in the first place. Talk to mentors who are in the same business. Figure out what it is about your business that you love, and then channel that into your efforts. What is the emotional and financial payoff you will experience? Principle #4… Be Fiscally Responsible Every successful business owner knows that running a business responsibly is the only way to run one the right way. Knowing when to budget money and how much of it to budget are skills that will keep you from making dire mistakes and losing money, or having to close your business. Making sure that you know how to keep a balanced budget is going to be of monumental importance. How to Achieve Fiscal Responsibility When it comes to money, it is all about knowing what is going on. Keep on top of the books. Budget everything. Know how to intelligently use lines of credit. Know how good you did last month in sales, and figure out where you can improve. Know what your expenses are and where you might be able to cut or reduce expenses. Principle #5… Maintain an Entrepreneurial Mindset This last principle is critical to the success of any b