Episode 311: What the Cyber Solarium Report Means for the Private Sector

The Cyberlaw Podcast show

Summary: In our 311th episode of The Cyberlaw Podcast, Stewart Baker interviews Senator Angus King (@SenAngusKing) and Dr. Samantha Ravich. They discuss the report issued by the Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Stewart is also joined by Brian Egan, Maury Shenk, and Nick Weaver (@ncweaver) to discuss: Google and Apple have a contact tracing proposal.; The United States will allow Google to use the Pacific Light Cable Network, but only if it cuts out Hong Kong.; China Telecom may lose its US market access.; Team Telecom was finally formalized through an Executive Order.; The Ninth Circuit ruled that Facebook must face a renewed privacy lawsuit.; Europe will continue pursuing AI regulation amid the coronavirus pandemic.; A French regulator has determined that Google must pay news sites to send them traffic.; The United Kingdom has experienced a 5G-coronavirus conspiracy hysteria.; Your “smart” lock may be leaking data.; And more! The views expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not reflect the opinions of their institutions, clients, friends, families, or pets.