HPR3039: Making a Raspberry Pi status display

Hacker Public Radio show

Summary: Introduction I have had a project on my To Do list for a while: to make a status display from a Raspberry Pi. My vision was to show the state of various things including some HPR stuff, and I had imagined setting up a Pi with a monitor and controlling it over SSH. I started on the project over the Christmas period 2019. I have a Raspberry Pi 3A+, which is a sort of souped-up Pi Zero, which I bought on a whim and hadn’t found a use for (Yannick reviewed this RPi model in show 2711). I also had an old square Dell monitor from about 15 years ago which still worked (at least to begin with). I had imagined I’d write some software of my own with a web front end which ran various tasks to monitor things. However, in my researches I came across MagicMirror2 which I thought I might be able to use instead of writing my own thing. Long notes I have provided detailed notes as usual for this episode, and these can be viewed here. Links JavaScript programming language: Wikipedia entry Node.js JavaScript runtime environment: Website Wikipedia entry Electron software framework: Website Wikipedia entry MagicMirror2: GitHub page Website List of third-party modules Resources: Example files: config.js custom.css