Ep 7: B. & Suzi - It’s okay to be in this much pain.

Sorry To Hear That show

Summary: CJ Williams speaks with B. Pagels-Minor (@bpagelsminor on Instagram and Twitter) about their mother, Suzi Anne Franklin who died in 2012 of complications from Epiglottitis, a swelling of the epiglottis which is a part of the mouth located near the back of the throat. This had led to B. feeling as though they have much to accomplish in a little time as possible considering Suzi Anne died at the young age of 48. Dealing with their mother’s death, including the aftermath of a lawsuit with the hospital and the sort of normal business of death to close out the estate left B. feeling drained. B.’s new reality was that they were angrier and, in some ways, unable to cope with the pressures of their mother’s death for several years, but meeting their now wife and partner is what made them feel like they could and should move into a better space to address the feelings and emotions that come after a catastrophic loss. Share your story or comments about this episode via email at sorrytohearpodcast@gmail.com or on the contact form, www.sorrytohearpodcast.com/contact Resources: What is the Epiglottis?: https://www.healthline.com/human-body-maps/epiglottis#1 What is Epiglottitis?: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/epiglottitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20372227?page=0&citems=10 What are some treatments for Epiglottitis?: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/epiglottitis/article_em.htm#what_is_the_treatment_for_epiglottitis If you ever need to complain or bring up an issue with you or your loved one’s medical care: https://www.ama-assn.org/about/publications-newsletters/frequently-asked-questions-ethics What is a health center?: http://www.nachc.org/about/about-our-health-centers/what-is-a-health-center/ Howard Brown Health, a health center with locations in the North, West and South sides of Chicago, Illinois: https://howardbrown.org/ YWCA Chicago, https://ywcachicago.org/ For more Sorry To Hear That podcast, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, @SorryToHearPod. Share your story and subscribe to our newsletter on our website, www.sorrytohearpodcast.com/contact Subscribe to new episodes on your favorite podcast listening app: Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, Spotify, Castbox, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict Guest: B. Pagels-Minor https://www.bpagelsminor.com/ and on Instagram and Twitter, @bpagelsminor Hosted by: CJ Williams