Atheism is Hard Work

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <p>“…there is the living God, the hound of heaven, who waits not to pounce on us but who waits with arms open wide ready to show gospel grace to the most desperate of sinners, just like us.”<span id="more-657"></span></p> <p>Is atheism the big bad wolf of evangelicalism, waiting to devour evangelicals around every corner? Atheism is not easy to sustain. As recent reports have shown that atheism is hard to sustain. In recent days, well-known atheist <a href="">Mark Zuckerburg</a> has renounced his atheism. Many people do not find the atheistic perspective comforting when a loved one dies. Many people want there to be a bigger purpose in life. Many people want there to be an afterlife where their loved ones go to dwell. Some people may find it comforting that their child decays in the ground but most do not.</p> <p>As believers in Jesus Christ, we must me reminded that people are not stable agents. We cannot think of people in the most rationalistic of terms. Be reminded that we can radically change; it can all transform for you. As Christians, sometimes we feel like everything in this world is against. There is a force in the universe that is not simply yin and yang; there is a living God who undergirds and underwrites the existence of every being. We sometimes we feel like the big bad wolf is around the corner waiting to devour us but in truth there is something greater than the big bad wolf. In truth, there is the living God, the hound of heaven, who waits not to pounce on us but who waits with arms open wide ready to show gospel grace to the most desperate of sinners, just like us.</p>