Jared Wilson Critiques the Attractional Church

The City of God Podcast show

Summary: <blockquote><p>People are hungering for the church to be the church and nothing else.</p></blockquote> <p><span id="more-992"></span></p> <p>People desperately crave a church that is actually a church. They find themselves uniquely drawn to and hungry for distinctly churchly and Christian ways of being, thinking, looking, and constructing. People are finding themselves are wanting less of a model that accommodates their inherent taste. Instead, some people want the church itself to shape their tastes for them. We are seeing a great hunger, particularly the younger generation, for a church that doesn’t try to be anything but a church.</p> <p><a href="https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/gospeldrivenchurch/2017/05/03/the-attractional-tipping-point-part-one-the-coming-collapse/">The Attractional Tipping Point—Part One: The Coming Collapse?</a> by Jared Wilson</p>