Season 8, Episode 8: Fiona Apple's "Here's an ep, mmmhmm, oh here's an ep, oh here we go, we got a bloody ep - b-boy posers, punk rock chicks, the kids are alright but I need my fix, we are hottest 100s and 1000s and we have taken control..."

Hottest 100s and 1000s show

Summary: When the Podcast hits the mid-60s of the triple j hottest 100 of 2000 it thinks lots of things What they know throws the blows when they go for the take, they'll find some tracks great and some are half-baked... SONGS COVERED: 65. Motor Ace - American Shoes 64. Everlast - Black Jesus 63. Coldplay - Shiver 62. Fiona Apple - Fast as You Can 61. george - Spawn LIKE HOTTEST 100S AND 1000S ON FACEBOOK: hottest100sand1000s FOLLOW HOTTEST 100S AND 1000S ON TWITTER: @Hottest100s AND YOUR HOSTS: @AndrewM138 | @NLFHarrison