73: Why Sex With Your Wife Can't Save You From Your Porn Problem - Get Free, Get Clean, Walk Tall, Delight Her Heart!


Summary: Are you discouraged, defeated, and demoralized by your spouse's persistent use of porn? Are you one of those men (or women, increasingly) that keep going back for more only to feel gross and tell yourself how much you hate it, after the fact? Wasn't sex with your spouse supposed to fix all that? But, it didn't . . . and doesn't. Reality: Sex isn't a cure for sin. So, what's the answer? Matt and Lisa discuss this issue and the Biblical Solution. And, Matt makes a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT . . . About a new course he's teaching on how to have real and lasting victory over lust and sexual impurity. Sign up to GET the DETAILS Here: faithfulman.com/freedom<br><br>GET MATT &amp; LISA'S BOOKS HERE:<br><br>100 WAYS TO LOVE YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE BOOKS<br>(Big Discount!) <a href="https://amzn.to/2MCdMbJ" rel="noopener">https://amzn.to/2MCdMbJ</a> <br><br>100 WORDS OF AFFIRMATION YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE NEED TO HEAR:<br>(Big Discount!) <a href="https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com" rel="noopener">https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com</a><br><br>MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HIM - <a href="https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/marriage-wisdom-for-her-him-pack/matthew-jacobson/pd/444925?event=Home-Pages" rel="noopener">https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/marriage-wisdom-for-her-him-pack/matthew-jacobson/pd/444925?event=Home-Pages</a>|1013587<br>MARRIAGE WISDOM FOR HER - <a href="https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/marriage-wisdom-for-her-him-pack/matthew-jacobson/pd/444925?event=Home-Pages" rel="noopener">https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/marriage-wisdom-for-her-him-pack/matthew-jacobson/pd/444925?event=Home-Pages</a>|1013587<br><br>NEW BOOK ADVERTISED ON THIS EPISODE - 100 Words of Affirmation You Wife Needs to Hear &amp; 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear <a href="https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/affirmation-simple-loving-encourage-uplift-spouse/lisa-jacobson/9780800737627/pd/736605X?event=Home-Pages" rel="noopener">https://shopfaithfulman.christianbook.com/affirmation-simple-loving-encourage-uplift-spouse/lisa-jacobson/9780800737627/pd/736605X?event=Home-Pages</a>|1013587<br><br>CONNECT WITH MATT &amp; LISA<br><br>Follow Lisa on Instagram &amp; Facebook @Club31Women and Club31Women.com<br>Follow Matt on Instagram @FaithfulMan &amp; Facebook @FaithfulManMinistries, and FaithfulMan.com<br><br>And Don't Forget - Please... 1) Leave A Podcast Review!! 2) Take a screenshot of the podcast and share it on social media!!<br><br>Would you like to support this ministry? DONATE HERE: <a href="https://faithfulman.com/donate/" rel="noopener">https://faithfulman.com/donate/</a>