The Lincolncast Episode 9: Stressed about Dyes

Video Games - The Scotchcast show

Summary: The Lincolncast, Episode 9 for the week of June 22nd This is the Giant Bomb community's Guild Wars 2 podcast. This week, we actually delve into some extensive discussion surrounding recent news. Who would have thought? After that, we get into some quick beta impressions, and are left with no time to talk about WvW (again) - perhaps next week? STAY TUNED. Music: "The Pentagon" by The Hamster Alliance Featured Members: selfconfessedcynic , No0b0rAmA  , Rawson , Tarkhein , EnchantedEcho Run time: 2:02:27 Topics for the week: Stress Test announced - some of us are excited, others are nonplussed We're generally "not happy" with Arenanet's changes to the Dye System SteelSeries announces GW2 peripherals to deafening silence Catching up on some missed news, Arenanet announced that they're adding an item previewer, and we're (shock) happy about it EnchantedEcho brings some new perspective to Structured PvP (and he's a bastard) Tarkhein talks GW2 not-zombies Plugs! Check out EnchantedEcho's site, Enjoy! Also, feel free to leave some criticism or feedback - or @TheLincolncast on Twitte