FOF #2832 - Diary of a Gal Pal to the Gays

Feast of Fun : Gay Talk Show show

Summary: For many gay men, our best friends have been the wonderful women who stood by us in our youth when we felt all alone in the world. This emotional bond can feel like an intensely passionate love affair but in reality you’re really just friends without benefits.<br><br>Today comedians Lindsey Shaw and Matt Brown join us to take a look at gay men and their intense romantic friendships with women, from legendary stars like Judy Garland and Liza Minelli’s marriages to gay men to Lindsay’s own deep relationship with a man who later came out as gay.<br><br>check them out:<br>MATT BROWN:<br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>LINDSEY SHAW: <br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Matt and Lindsey are performing together at In Your Head comedy showcase – a psychoanalytic roast at the Irish Oak on March 5, 2020.<br><br>GET TICKETS:<br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br>Plus--<br><br>➤ The Village People respond to Trump’s ongoing use of playing Macho Man as opening music at campaign rallies.<br><br>➤ After praising President Ronald Reagan’s grooming habits, Queer Eye’s Jonathan Van Ness lashes out against people who point out Reagans’ terrible record on AIDS.<br><br>➤ Doctors beg people on the internet to please stop sticking frozen french fries up their bum.<br><br>____________________<br><br>LOVE FEAST OF FUN? <br>LISTEN TO THOUSANDS LEGENDARY SHOWS 
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