Instructing and Edifying Each Other in Meetings | An Interview with DeAnna Murphy

Leading Saints Podcast show

Summary: DeAnna is a former Stake Relief Society president in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the CEO of People Acuity. She works with leaders and employees helping them to “Shift Up!” blame, engagement, leadership, and individual and team performance. She is also an internationally-known keynote speaker, Top 100 Global Coaching Leader, and the author of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Shift Up! Strengths Strategies for Optimal Living</a>. She has shared her expertise and inspiration in several Leading Saints <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">articles and podcasts</a>. Her personal time is joyfully spent loving and lifting her family and friends – and helping each person she meets to recognize how valuable and important they are.<br> Highlights<br> 0:00:03 Introduction of DeAnna Murphy<br> 0:00:48 Her deepest desire has just been to be a great mom; her best leadership training has come in that arena. Professionally, she's an executive leadership coach.<br> 0:03:44 Great leaders don't just ask "what we are trying to accomplish?", but also, "what is important about it?"<br> 0:04:07 When we start a meeting establishing the purpose of the meeting, it creates power.<br> 0:04:20 Beginning a 13-14 Sunday School class by establishing the purpose<br> 0:05:43 "Of all the things you're trying to accomplish with this summit, what's the most important thing you'd hope they'd learn and they're longing to hear?"<br> 0:06:00 (Kurt) Hope people walk away with a deeper ability and motivation to run a meeting<br> 0:06:50 We meet to unify. We meet to connect. We meet to multiply our resources together. D&amp;C 43:8-9 - When we meet, we should instruct and edify one another<br> 0:08:08 To "instruct and edify together" implies that each participant holds a piece - no one person holds all the pieces<br> 0:11:06 Each person in a council has a unique strength and a unique perspective.<br> 0:13:23 DeAnna's experience with a leader having a diametrically opposed viewpoint - she might have a difficult time understanding his perspective. She sometimes had a difficult time communicating with him. It helped them to understand how the other viewed situations.<br> 0:15:29 Feelings of self-consciousness, uncertainty, and fear led to defensiveness. Granting herself grace allowed her to grant others grace, and remove the defensiveness.<br> 0:16:05 Citing Ether 12:27 (weaknesses that they may be humble); DeAnna focuses on Ether 12:37 (because you see your weakness, you'll be made strong)<br> 0:16:35 DeAnna's weaknesses were not made strong by becoming like her Stake President. Instead, they learned from each other, they became stronger in each other, and were unified in the Savior.<br> 0:19:00 Identify what is important about the meeting<br> 0:19:18 Identify "how" we will be together: (1) There's always room for the Savior (2) Recognize we see things differently<br> 0:20:30 Three or four questions always help to create clarity: (1) "What are you noticing..." or "I'm noticing..." (2) "What's important about that?" (3) "What does it mean?" (4) "Now what do we do about it" ("Why?When?How?")<br> 0:22:58 What do you do when you're in a meeting and you realize that you're not tracking what is being said? Many remain silent.<br> 0:24:00 Feeling confusion in a meeting may be a spiritual prompting that others are confused. Consider that speaking up will likely help others in the room, not just yourself.<br> 0:24:35 Going into meetings, agree about how we are going to "be" together. Set up ground rules for how we will conduct the meetings and participate.<br> 0:26:17 Google experiment: The number one thing contributing to high-performing teams - cohesive and agile - was psychological safety.<br> 0:27:17 There's nothing more intimidating that being one of three women in a room with 15 men in their suits.<br>