Was Trump the Big Winner in the Democratic Party Super Tuesday Primary?

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Ted Rall, an award-winning editorial cartoonist and columnist, whose work is at <a href="http://www.rall.com" rel="noopener">www.rall.com</a>, and Dan Kovalik, a human rights and labor lawyer who is the author of the book “No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using 'Humanitarian' Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests.”<br><br>Yesterday was Super Tuesday and it was a very big day for Joe Biden. Two weeks ago it looked like the former Vice President’s campaign was all but dead. But yesterday he became the clear frontrunner, besting Bernie Sanders in 10 of the 14 state contests. Biden won in Alabama, Arkansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Sanders won in California, Colorado, Utah, and Vermont. Mike Bloomberg took American Samoa and then dropped out of the race this morning. But in the end, is it Donald Trump who was really the big winner?<br> <br>The peace agreement between the United States and the Taliban appears to have lasted about a few days. The US carried out an airstrike this morning against Taliban fighters who had apparently attacked an Afghan National Defense and Security Forces checkpoint. The airstrike came hours after President Trump called Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to warn him not to resume violence against the Afghan government. Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence, joins the show.<br> <br>The coronavirus continues to spread and, according to the World Health Organization, is now deadlier than the flu virus. It does not, however, transmit as easily as the flu, and scientists around the world are working on a vaccine. Meanwhile, new cases of the virus have been confirmed in New York City, Florida, and California. And for the first time, there have been more deaths from coronavirus outside China than in. Brian and John speak with Dr. Krutika Kuppalli, an infectious disease physician and vice chair of the Infectious Disease Society of America’s Global Health Committee.<br> <br>Wednesday’s weekly series, In the News, is where the hosts look at the most important ongoing developments of the week and put them into perspective, including Super Tuesday, the coronavirus outbreak, the war in Syria, and the war in Afghanistan. Sputnik news analysts Nicole Roussell and Walter Smolarek join the show.<br> <br>Wednesday’s regular segment, Beyond Nuclear, is about nuclear issues, including weapons, energy, waste, and the future of nuclear technology in the United States. Kevin Kamps, the Radioactive Waste Watchdog at the organization Beyond Nuclear, and Sputnik news analyst and producer Nicole Roussell, join the show.