IFB140: Simple Ways to Save Money on Car Maintenance

The Investing for Beginners Podcast - Your Path to Financial Freedom show

Summary: <br> Announcer (<a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/QZh0SK9qsEzU8x_2NQp19ODnEJ9PlFeIah8tUJlCZdHmY3UejM5jn5HOot-_cpa3j0LwQ0G6B8g69yUb21vqchyhPcU?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=0.66">00:00</a>):<br> <br> <br> <br> You’re tuned in to the Investing for Beginners podcast.<br> Finally, step by step premium investment guidance for beginners, led by Andrew<br> Sather and Dave Ahern. To decode industry jargon, silence crippling confusion,<br> and help you overcome emotions by looking at the numbers, your path to<br> financial freedom starts now.<br> <br> <br> <br> Dave (<a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/QZh0SK9qsEzU8x_2NQp19ODnEJ9PlFeIah8tUJlCZdHmY3UejM5jn5HOot-_cpa3j0LwQ0G6B8g69yUb21vqchyhPcU?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=36">00:36</a>):<br> <br> <br> <br> All right folks, welcome to Investing for Beginners<br> podcast. This is episode 140 tonight. Andrew and I are going to take a little<br> bit of a detour on that. Talk about something he would not talk about. But<br> before we’re going to talk a little bit about cars. We’re going to talk about<br> car maintenance and the compounding interest that you can get from car<br> maintenance. So Andrew had some great ideas that he wanted to share with you<br> guys cause he’s, he’s had some car problems recently, and this has sparked an<br> interest in this. And so he, and I thought we could riff on that a little bit.<br> So, Andrew, I’m going to go ahead and turn over the keys to you, and we’re<br> going to go from there.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew (<a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/QZh0SK9qsEzU8x_2NQp19ODnEJ9PlFeIah8tUJlCZdHmY3UejM5jn5HOot-_cpa3j0LwQ0G6B8g69yUb21vqchyhPcU?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=69.49">01:09</a>):<br> <br> <br> <br> Very nice. Yeah, toss over. I, I think, you know, I<br> thought about this topic before we got on and I know it’s not the most exciting<br> of topics because either car isn’t interesting to you or you think you make a<br> lot of money. Like you could also be in a position where it’s like, well, I<br> like cars so much that you know, I’m going to spend as much money on them as I<br> want. Or you could be like the third situation where it’s like, I have so much<br> money that car expenses aren’t a lot to me. And so like Mr. Wonderful and Shark<br> Tank, you can’t relate. So you know, whether you fall in either of those three<br> categories, I want to challenge some commonly accepted ideas about cars and car<br> payments and car maintenance because for the middle class, outside of housing<br> costs or rent costs, your car costs are going to be pretty high up there.<br> <br> <br> <br> Andrew (<a href="https://www.temi.com/editor/t/QZh0SK9qsEzU8x_2NQp19ODnEJ9PlFeIah8tUJlCZdHmY3UejM5jn5HOot-_cpa3j0LwQ0G6B8g69yUb21vqchyhPcU?loadFrom=DocumentDeeplink&amp;ts=140.201">02:20</a>):<br> <br> <br> <br> You start throwing gas into the equation. Now you’re<br> talking about, you know, not, and not an insignificant amount. So when you<br> start to break it down, and we’ve talked all over and over and over and over<br> again about how you can take small amounts of money and by using compound<br> interest and investing that over the years and, and letting those dividends<br> come in and reinvesting those you can make small amounts of money turn into big<br> amounts. And so, you know, if you’re somebody who, let’s say you’re, you have a<br> lot of wealth and, and some of these car expenses don’t mean anything to you.<br> While maybe that difference in compound interest, you know, let’s say you’re<br> thinking about buying a Tesla now, and instead you downgrade; hopefully, you’re<br> inspired by the episode. Maybe you downgrade to like a middle-sized luxury<br>