Dark Enigma - Bizarre Encounters With Fairy Tale Creatures

Renegade Talk Radio show

Summary: Please be aware the stories, theories, re-enactments and language in this podcast are of an adult nature and can be disturbing, frightening and in some cases offensive. Listener Discretion is advised – there is very adult content ahead and you have been warned. Welcome heathens welcome to the world of the weird and unexplained. I’m your host, Nicole Delacroix and together, we will be investigating stories about the weird, wonderful, unexplained, eerie, scary and down-right unbelievable. There will be tales of ghosts, murder, supernatural beings and unexplained mysteries. So, sit back, grab your favorite drink, relax and prepare to be transported to today's dark Enigma.... And on today’s Dark enigma… we have another bizarre creature feature today. So, with that said, we will still be playing our drinking game and as you know, the drinking game is only for those of us that are at home and have nowhere else to go tonight. The choice of libation is yours, so choose your poison accordingly… Alright, now for the game part how about every time I say creature that will be a single shot and every time I say Fairy, that will be a double shot. Alright, now that the business end is out of the way we can jump headfirst into today’s dark enigma… and the bizarre encounters with real life fairy tale creatures. Rapunzel….. Rapunzel let down your hair… ah fairy tales. Every child loves them (cue Frozen’s let it go), but the stories we see on Disney aren’t anything close to what the real stories were or were intended to be. Most of the tales we now know have been watered down and made more palatable for our young ones. But fairy tales were originally dark, disturbing and very violent. But amongst the many monsters, beasts, and assorted entities within the world of the weird there are those that stand out as being particularly bizarre. These are the creatures that seem to occupy their own realm of high strangeness, lying out on the dark fringes of the unexplained in a territory inhabited by things that defy classification. Surely to be counted among the denizens of this domain are the various creatures allegedly encountered all over the world that can only be described as being beings from fairy tales, as if they have stepped off the page and into the real world. How can his be? Are fairy tales based on these real entities? Are they just the product of fanciful imaginations?