Ep 83: A Simple Yet Effective Brand Assets Audit

21 Handshake Marketing Podcast show

Summary: <p>Today we’re talking about brand assets – and how to align all the assets your business has! This is a particularly important step for growing businesses to take, and also one of the most satisfying. Far too many businesses think that their marketing is just hit or miss, or that that they need to keep coming up with new ideas. Auditing your brand assets is all about gathering all your content and seeing just what it can become!</p> <p>For companies that already have a marketing system in place, auditing plays another very important role: It helps businesses take a look at all their different content and make sure it’s all consistent – matching tone, product info, promises made, even colors and visuals. This keeps all marketing content on the same page, and shows exactly where the brand is at. It’s especially vital for companies that may have changed content strategies or logos a few times in the past but haven’t really thought about it.<br> <br> Find all show notes: <a href="https://mainsite.21handshake.com/podcasts/ep-83/">https://mainsite.21handshake.com/podcasts/ep-83/</a><br> Watch: https://youtu.be/lCVCGfLFcX8<br> </p>