Moving Toward Jesus and Away from Sin

Conrad Rocks show

Summary: Some of us grit our teeth and try to stop sinning. This is different than simply seeking God. When we seek God, sin loses it's grip. The bible has answers! ; Drawing near to God and He draws near to us James 4:8; Recovering ourselves out of the snare of the devil 2 Tim 2:25,26 ; PSALM I have kept myself from mine iniquity PSALMS 18:23; Self Sabotage I very real in Christianity; Know Jesus and get free John 8:31-32; We need to be proactive in our thought life; David graduated from lion and bear to Goliath 1 Sam 17:34-37 ; David encouraged himself in God and then recovered1 Samuel 30:6 ; A friend sent me a prophetic dream about me; Demonic attacks happen; Fear is a spirit that we have to take authority over 2 TIMOTHY 1:7; The devil often flees in the presence of God; Jesus is the Way and the Truth! John 14:6 ; Prodigal son knew to go back to the Father Luke 15; In HIs presence is fullness of Joy! Psalm 16:11; Psalm 91 abiding in God AND HIS protection; John 8:31,32 knowing the Word and being free; Making no provision for the flesh Romans 13:14; Cutting the chain of events with a time lock; A spiritual relationship with the Author or Scripture; Entering into God's presence Psalm 100:4; Worship drives the demon away 1 Sam 16:23; Worship music brings the prophetic word 2 Kings 3:15; Link to Lock - Fist Link Time Lock on Amazon](](](](