Episode 5: Shawna Potter of War on Women on safer punk spaces

Scream Therapy show

Summary: Host Jason Schreurs talks to Shawna Potter, frontperson of political feminist hardcore/punk band War on Women and author of Making Spaces Safer: A Guide to Giving Harassment the Boot Wherever You Work, Play and Gather (https://akpress.org). Shawna and I talk about the need to provide safer spaces for those with mental illness, and what venue staff and allies can do to help. https://waronwomen.bandcamp.com Featured song: War on Women - "Second Wave Goodbye" from War on Women (Bridge 9 Records, 2005) Photo: Josh Sisk About this podcast: Scream Therapy explores the link between punk rock and mental health. My guests are members of the underground music scene who are living with mental health challenges, like myself. Intro/background music: Submission Hold - "Cranium Ache" Render Useless - "The Second Flight of Icarus" Artwork: Luke Ramsey - http://lukeramseystudio.com Contact host Jason Schreurs - jasonschreurs@telus.net