Should We Celebrate Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscar Speech? Ep 216

The Bearded Vegans show

Summary: This week the bearded duo weigh in on the speech that broke the vegan internet. As Joaquin Phoenix accepted his Academy Award for Best Actor, he remarked upon the commonality of oppression, giving specific examples of the horror of the dairy industry, and eventually turned to introspection on the nature of forgiveness and second chances. It was a ton to pack into a 3.5 minute speech and the internet has a LOT to say about it. Paul and Andy discuss their feelings on the content of the speech before looking more broadly at the Vegan Community's feedgasm, how well non-vegans understood his message, and several pieces that slammed Phoenix for not speaking about other injustices. This is a whopper of an episode as it touches on privilege, earning redemption, using one's platform for good, and much much more! You can always reach The Bearded Vegans by emailing TheBeardedVegans@gmail.comor visiting