5 Quick Fitness Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

The Accountability Coach: Business Acceleration|Productivity show

Summary: Staying in shape while trying to run a business can definitely be a challenge. When you are so busy getting everything done, what time do you have left to exercise or go to the gym? If you are struggling with getting enough exercise to stay in shape or get in shape, then here are some tips that might definitely help you! These tips are easy to implement, take very little time, and will definitely help you to stay in shape as you invest your energy into getting your business to the next level. “Discipline is doing what you know you should do at the time you should do it, even if you don’t feel like it.” – Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy, Fitness Educator Ride a Bike Some people live fairly close to their place of business so that they can be there without spending too much time commuting. If this is true for you, then you could definitely make use of this tip! Start riding a bike to work instead of taking the bus or driving your vehicle. This can give you a regular amount of exercise each day, and may not take you that much longer than your normal commute. You would be surprised at how quickly you can get to work on a bike! Plus, it can save you money on gas, and is also a habit that will keep the planet cleaner by limiting your carbon footprint. It is really a win-win on all fronts! Join a biking group to add a little accountability. Doing exercise with others sometimes helps to motivate you to get out there and get moving. Stand Up A lot of business owners find themselves sitting for prolonged periods of time during the day, which is definitely part of the problem when you start to talk about fitness. Since you, as an entrepreneur, are so vital to the success of your own business, and because your presence might be needed at a desk for most of the day, it can be difficult to find time away from it all to get some exercise. However, even though it is difficult to find the time necessary, you can still ‘tweak’ the rules in your favor with this incredibly easy tip that will save you a LOT of time and that can really help to contribute to your overall fitness… just stand up! When you talk on the phone, go to meetings, or read documents, practice standing up and pacing in your office instead of sitting at the desk. This behavior might seem foreign to you at first, but it is actually a great way to get the blood flowing in during the day. When it comes to exercise, every little bit helps… and this is a simple step that anyone can utilize to get better results out of your time spent at work. You can also quickly and easily do 100 sit-ups and 50 pushups once a day to get your heart pumping. Get Up 30 minutes or an Hour Earlier One great idea for getting in an extra workout is to get up 30 minutes to an hour earlier and use that time specifically for fitness purposes. This can be done once a week, twice a week, or even every day… depending upon how often you want to work out each week to get started. You could use this time to hit the local gym, to take a morning run, to lift weights, or you could rotate your options to mix it up on different days. Getting up earlier is a great option because you will probably find that fewer people will try to bother you or pull you away than would if you tried to work out at a different part of the day. Getting your heart pumping a little harder first thing in the morning can help you start the day in an even better mood. Work Out on Your Lunch Break If your schedule allows, you could take an extended lunch and hit the gym for a half an hour before returning to work. Getting some exercise in and taking a quick shower before hitting the grind for the second half of the day can not only lead to better fitness, but can also lead to you feeling more energized during the part of the day when a lot of people are tired and dragging. Take Up a Sport If you have trouble sticking to a typical workout routine, then you might want to take up a sport. Tennis, basketball, boxing, and soccer are all very ex