Stewardship of the Body (Part 2) 12/14/19

Level Up Podcast  with Rhonda Devlin show

Summary: Today we were reminded of the three types of individuals when it comes to body health. Hoping to inspire you to be empowered to choose to be a type 3 individual, I discussed some basic things that can help us become that. I identified that Awareness is Key; The Help of Others is critical; Evaluate and Qualify those you choose to help you; Getting Labs helps you to be informed; Healthy Life-Style management is a must; Quality Supplementation is critical; and Detoxing Habits will effectively help you in stewarding your body well! I also spoke a blessing over your body...from head to toe...and encouraged you to find the hope, courage, right-thinking, motivation, and equipping to reach healthy body stewardship so you can walk fully in your God-ordained destinies. If you need help and want to dive deeper into comprehensive care for yourself reach out and visit me at