CC041: Bryan Darr of Ookla // demystifying the 5G revolution (from CES 2020)

upside show

Summary: Interview starts: 7:25 Debrief starts: 38:48 Bryan Darr is the Executive Vice President of Smart Cities at Ookla, the company behind Bryan began his career in wireless communication back in 1985 selling car phones. Through his sales, he gathered information and began writing roaming guides. These guides ultimately led him to start his own business, American Roamer, eventually known as Mosaik, and now owned by Ookla. Today, along with providing internet speed tests, Ookla tracks cellular coverage all over the world. We discuss: - Ad: Finding experienced employees for your new business with Integrity Power Search (6:08) - Progression of cellular communication (7:45) - Future of cellular communication (11:26) - Difference between one "G" to the next (14:50) - 5G technology (16:49) - Impediments to 5G usability (21:17) - News for 6G? (21:08) - International implications of 5G (32:15) - Geopolitical implications of 5G (35:39) Learn more about Ookla: Ookla 5G Map: Email Jay: Follow upside on Twitter: Advertise with an upside classified: -- This episode is sponsored by Integrity Power Search, the #1 full stack high growth startup recruiting firm between the coasts. They partner with venture capitalists, private equity groups and CEOs to build amazing teams for the world’s most disrupting companies. Learn more about or get in touch with Integrity Power Search: