Turn Coat- Chapters 11, 12, 13

UNspoiled! The Dresden Files show

Summary: ART CREDIT! <a href="https://vincentchongart.myportfolio.com/bw-art-the-dresden-files" rel="noopener">https://vincentchongart.myportfolio.com/bw-art-the-dresden-files</a><br>Hey there, lovelies! It's time for our weekly foray into Chicago's seedy wizarding underbelly, and this time we're inside a specially outfitted storage unit that Harry has built a secret back door into...the only problem is that the door opens up into a spooky forest occupied by giant, hungry spiders. <br>Then there's the whole thing between Morgan and Molly. I mean, really, one could hardly imagine a pair of characters from these books more guaranteed to butt heads, and beyond the obvious trauma of Morgan being the one who was going to execute Molly that one time, there's the fact that Molly hasn't quite forgiven herself for what she's done...and she's worried that maybe she's not becoming a better person. <br>Join the club, girl. <br>Thanks so much for listening, and we will see you next week with a new episode!