Intermediate #3 - A Chinese Boss with a Hidden Agenda

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- A: 今晚老細請食飯。 B: 吓,佢轉死性啊? C: 我都覺得奇怪。 A: 聽講佢有嘢同全公司宣佈。 C: 有冇收到咩料? B: 會唔會係要炒人? A: 係呀,公司要裁員! ----English---- A: The boss is going to buy us dinner tonight. B: What? Has he changed? C: I think it's strange too. A: I was told that he has some news to announce. C: Anyone know what it is? B: Is he going to fire someone? A: Yes, there will be layoffs. ----Pinyin---- A: Gam1 maan5 lou5 sai3 ceng2 sik6 faan6. B: Haa5, keoi5 zyun3 sei2 sing3 aa4 ? C: Ngo5 dou1 gok3 dak1 kei4 gwaai3. A: Teng1 gong2 keoi3 jau5 je2 tung4 cyun4 gung1 si1 syun1 bou3. C: Jau5 mou5 sau1 dou3 me1 liu2 ? B: Wui5 m4 wui4 hai6 jiu3 caau2 jan4 ? A: Hai6 aa3, gung1 si1 jiu3 coi4 jyun4 ! --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!