Iva Foster new singles No Weapon and So Amazing


Summary: Iva, A young girl with a huge sound bellowing over the airwaves in church and community choirs starting at the tender age of five. Iva’s booming voice is a outward reflection of her heart and love to encourage others through the word of God. Iva’s anointing precedes her sound consuming any atmosphere she’s in. Different is how she would describe herself. This difference has brought on a whole new sound to the Christian community. The unique yet powerful Psalmist has penned her as the Queen of neo-soul gospel. A frequency that grabs the attention of both young and old. Her debut album “Only God” is transforming lives from generation to generation. She recently released a single, “Joy on the other side of Pain” detailing a story of trials to triumph. She’s currently in the studio singing , recording and writing music that will leave a lasting impact for years to come. Although singing is her gift, her passion is to reel in the heart of the unchurched, overlooked and forgotten souls to show them the love of God through her music. She believes that music is universal medicine to the soul with a goal to reach individuals right where they are changing eternity one soul at a time. Born and raised in Palestine, TX, Iva now resides in Clarksville, TN crediting her vocal gift to God while honoring her own heroes, Pastor Louis B. Jones and her mother, Patsy Cleveland, for seeing and cultivating her gift. She also credits her king on earth, Archie Pace, also her manager for her growing success as a psalmist , mother of four amazing children and wife.   https://www.calebmusicgroup.com/iva-foster