516 No More Settling

BIG Life Devotional | Daily Devotional for Women show

Summary: <br> Your faith summons the almighty God to unleash his power in your life. But sometimes his power is at work behind the scenes so right now you don’t see a whole lot of unleashing, you just see a whole lot of the same old mess. That’s okay, God is still working.<br> Your faith is the seed by which God produces an abundant harvest in the next season. But first you’re in this season. A season of plowing where things are dug up and turned over. A season where there’s a whole lot of work and not a whole lot to show for it. That’s okay, your season will be changing soon.<br> Your faith may be threatened by the delay, but girl you hold on to the hope that tells you God is about to do something, because HE IS!!!!! Oh yes, he is, and it’s going to blow your mind.<br> I wonder if there’s anyone listening today who has been hoping for something. You’ve been hoping for a long time, a really long time. And let’s face it, the expected time line for your hopes has already come and gone. Your current circumstances tell you it’s not gonna happen.<br> What have you been hoping for? Something better. Something bigger. Something new. Something more. Something different. Something to change. There was a time when your hopes were high. You woke up believing it could happen and now it almost seems ridiculous to keep hoping.<br> Is that you? Well I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re listening today because God has a message for you.<br> Here’s what he wanted me to tell you.<br> God says – I AM ABLE TO DO EXCEEDINGLY AND ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL THAT YOU ASK AND THINK THROUGH MY POWER THAT IS GOING TO WORK IN YOU.<br> Write it down, it’s Ephesians 3:20 – “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”<br> That thing you’ve been hoping for. That thing you used to pray a whole lot about but now so much time has gone by with no change, no improvement, no growth that it seems ridiculous to keep praying about it …. yeah, that thing, well God wants you to know he’s going to do something exceedingly and abundantly above anything you could ever think of. This means he is going to blow your mind!<br> You should get excited!<br> How’s he going to do it? Through his power that is going to work in you. It’s going to happen IN you but it’s going to be because of HIS power.<br> It’s impossible for you, but it’s not impossible for God.<br> When’s he going to do it? When the season is right. In just the right time, when the seasons have changed, then you will see what God has been doing in this darkness. Then it will sprout up and grow in the light. But right now, it’s concealed in the deep dark because it’s not ready yet. God is still working. Won’t you trust that today? You may not see evidence of his work in this specific situation in your life, but that doesn’t limit God’s power to work behind the scenes, in the deep, in the unknown, within.<br> In my 44 years of life, here’s what I’ve kindof figured out … there’s a whole lot of time I really don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I’m throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. I’m fumbling my way through the darkness, knocking crap over, sometimes making a little progress and sometimes running in circles. BUT GOD KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS DOING. He can see in the dark and he can work in the dark. And he honors our efforts to just keep trying.<br> Looking back I see God has totally blessed a few efforts that didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but he chose to work through it any way. We don’t always have to know the exact right next step, we just have to be willing to take a step in faith and God will do the rest. I admit,