#067: Know Your Audience Internally with James Bawden

Sales Secrets show

Summary: James is a Business Development Professional for Cognetik and was Voted as one of 2018’s Top Sales Development Reps by InsideSales.com. He was recognized for his ability to meet and exceed sales targets. James also hosts a podcast called "The Lunch Break Podcast", where he interviews sales pros and talks about what they've learned throughout their career, what they're passionate about, and what other sales pros can take away from their journey. Colleagues of James say he is a true sales professional who has had a profound impact on the profession. He is said to be a genuine person on and off the pitch and measures his success by enabling others. Further, he’s known to always positive, friendly, thoughtful, and a good influence in the office. On this episode of Sales Secrets From The Top 1%, James explains his top secrets to sales success and how to start implementing them in your career immediately!