Washington Think Tanks: Legalized Corruption and the Exercise of Power

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Max Blumenthal, a bestselling author and journalist, whose latest film is “Killing Gaza.” He is also the senior editor of Grayzone and co-host of the podcast “Moderate Rebels.”<br><br><br>In the Week Ahead, the panel looks at the most newsworthy stories of the coming week and what it means for the country and the world. Sputnik News analyst and producer Walter Smolarek, joins the show.<br><br> <br><br>As the year comes to an end, where are the whistleblowers who have revealed important wrongdoings by press, the CIA, the Pentagon, and more? Last week we discussed Julian Assange. Today we’ll talk about Chelsea Manning, Jeremy Hammond, Jeffrey Sterling, and Daniel Hale. Where is the coverage of them and what does that say about the corporate-owned media? Brian and John speak with independent journalist Diani Baretto. <br><br><br>We continue our segment “Education for Liberation” where we look at the state of education across the country. What’s happening in our schools, colleges, and universities, and what impact does it have on the world around us? Bill Ayers, an activist, educator and the author or co-author of many books, including “About Becoming A Teacher” and “You Can’t Fire the Bad Ones: And 18 Other Myths About Teachers, Teachers Unions, and Public Education”, joins the show.<br><br> <br><br>We continue our weekly half hour segment Technology Rules—a weekly guide on how monopoly corporations and the National Surveillance State are threatening cherished freedoms, civil rights and civil liberties. Web developer and technologist Chris Garaffa and Patricia Gorky, a software engineer and technology and security analyst, joins Brian and John.