An Introduction to the Code of Evidence

Calendar Call show

Summary: <p><strong>Episode 27 – An Introduction to the Code Of Evidence</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>We start season 2 with a multi-part series on the Code of Evidence featuring Appellate Court Judge Elliot Prescott. The first episode will provide an overview of the history and background of the code of evidence. The next episode will give a rough overview of the code and its structure. With our remaining episodes, we will dive deeper into the substance of the code with episodes on hearsay, witnesses and relevancy. We’ll end our series with a dos and don’ts podcast and highlight a few examples of common evidentiary problems. </p> <p>The code of evidence has its roots in common law dating back to our time as a colony. Over the last two-hundred years, the code has grown with statutory enactments. </p>