A VerySpatial Podcast - Episode 631

A VerySpatial Podcast | Discussions on Geography and Geospatial Technologies show

Summary: New Map of Titan’s Terrain  NASA and Boeing prepping Space Launch System (SLS) Google’s New Content Creation Tools for Geography Presentations  Google releasing Cardboard as an open source project Google Maps to show which streets have better lighting for walkers  Google.org funds Vera to help collect data on prison populations (Vera’s page) Apple Maps changes to Crimea in Russia  (CIA WFB Ukraine) New high-resolution imagery API from Near Space Labs  Radiant Earth Foundation releases Radiant MLHub for open access to Earth Observation training data sets  Defense Innovation Board unveils AI ethics principles for the Pentagon USDOI grounds drone fleet FAA moving forward to meet recreational UAS pilot test requirement from last falls reauthorization bill Utah Congressman announces House GIS Working Group  Global Flood Monitor Say goodbye to the Foot… the Survey Foot  Census Using Online Collection For First Time in 2020