Alan Gellman, Dr. Rachel MK Headley, & Bill Benoist on Thought Leader Life Credibility Specials (MLP055)

Mitchell Levy Presents AHA Moments show

Summary: Listen to these successful thought leaders on how they present themselves and their crafts as experts in their fields. Alan Gellman is the former chief marketing officer, general manager, and Fortune 500 senior executive. Alan was named by Business Insider as one of the 50 most innovative CMOs in the world. He is dedicated to using his experience, insights, and wisdom to help executives and emerging leaders increase their impact and achieve their leadership goals. Connect to Alan on LinkedIn: Dr. Rachel MK Headley is the CEO at Rose Group Int’l, Owner and Principal at Cobblestone Science LLC, Founder and Vice President of Ecotone Foundation, professional keynote speaker and author. She is also registered with the Hero Club, Forbes Coaches Council and the C-Suite Network. She conducts consultancy services for executives and leaders. She helps them with matters regarding cultural integration in order to engage their staffs and create high-performing teams. Rachel is focused on helping her clients to overcome the challenges that are brought about by transitions in the workplace and to propel them to success. Connect to Rachel on LinkedIn:  Bill Benoist is the owner of Bill Benoist Career Coaching, executive coach and career strategist. He is a Certified Professional Coach by the International Coach Academy and Master NLP Practitioner by the NLP Institute of California. He conducts career development coaching for professionals in their mid-to-late careers. He helps them to define their career goals and to develop realistic plans of action in order to be successful. Bill is passionate about helping his clients to take their careers to the next level regardless of their age and whether it is done through career development or career change. Connect to Bill on LinkedIn: Global Credibility Expert, Mitchell Levy is a TEDx speaker and international bestselling author of over 60 books. As The AHA Guy at AHAthat (, he helps to extract the genius from your head in a two-three hour interview so that his team can ghostwrite your book, publish it, distribute it, and make you an Amazon bestselling author in four months or less. He is an accomplished Entrepreneur who has created twenty businesses in Silicon Valley including four publishing companies that have published over 800 books. He’s provided strategic consulting to over one hundred companies, and has been chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. Mitchell has been happily married for thirty years and regularly spends four weeks in Europe with family and friends. Visit for an archive of all the podcast episodes. Connect to Mitchell Levy on: Mitchell Levy Present AHA Moments: Thought Leader Life: AHAthat Radio: LinkedIn: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit