Articles of Impeachment Finally Unveiled by House Democrats

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, Brian Becker and John Kiriakou are joined by Ted Rall, an award winning journalist and editorial cartoonist whose work is at <a href="" rel="noopener"></a>.<br><br>Democrats in the House of Representatives this morning filed two Articles of Impeachment against President Trump, accusing him of Abuse of Power and Contempt of Congress. The articles will be voted on in the House Judiciary Committee and, after passage there, will go to the House floor for a vote there. Assuming the articles pass, the entire case will then be referred to the Senate for trial.<br> <br>Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham publicly broke with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz yesterday, disputing the IG’s conclusion that the FBI acted without political bias in initiating a counterintelligence investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. Media reports say that FBI Director Wray’s days in office are now numbered, and the report also raises serious questions about how the FBI uses informants and the FISA process. Jim Kavanagh, the editor of, which is where you can find his latest article titled “Defeat or Impeach? The (Il)logic of impeachment,” also on Counter Punch, joins the show.<br> <br>President Trump and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov are meeting today at the White House to review relations between the two countries. But this diplomatic engagement is being presented by Russiagate conspiracy-pushing politicians and pundits as something much more sinister. And it comes after progress was made on peace in Ukraine during a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky brokered by France and Germany. Brian and John speak with Jeremy Kuzmarov, a professor of American history whose latest book is “The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce.”<br> <br>Secret Pentagon documents uncovered by the Washington Post show that the Defense Department, the CIA, and other federal agencies have lied consistently over the past 18 years about US military progress in Afghanistan. While the government was telling the American people that we were winning the war in Afghanistan, the truth was that we were losing, and in fact, we weren’t even sure who the enemy was. Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence, joins the show.<br> <br>Large scale and general strikes continue in Colombia, as protestors march against right-wing President Ivan Duque’s plans for economic reform and they demand that he do more to tackle corruption and police violence. For his part, however, Duque seems more interested in arresting as many demonstrators as possible and stonewalling reform. James Jordan, a member of the Alliance for Global Justice who has been deeply involved in supporting the Colombian peace process, joins Brian and John.<br> <br>In Tuesday’s regular segment, the hosts talk about the biggest economic news of the week. Professor Richard Wolff, a professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, founder of the organization Democracy at Work, and author whose latest book is “Understanding Marxism,” joins the show.<br><br>Today’s regular segment that airs every Tuesday is called Women &amp; Society with Dr. Hannah Dickinson. This weekly segment is about the major issues, challenges, and struggles facing women in all aspects of society. Hannah Dickinson, an associate professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and an organizer with the Geneva Women’s Assembly; Nathalie Hrizi, an educator, a political activist, and the editor of Breaking the Chains, a women’s magazine; and Loud &amp; Clear producer Nicole Roussell join the show.