Hard Cider And Insults

True Crime Historian show

Summary: YESTERDAY’S NEWS -- Tales of classic scandals, scoundrels and scourges told from historic newspapers in the golden age of yellow journalism...<br>Struck By An Axe And Killed<br>Episode 367 is a holiday tale more bone-chilling than heart-warming. It takes place the weekend after Thanksgiving, when family and friends get together for games and good times. The cautionary part of the tale here is, be aware of what topics are best to be avoided. This time, the touchy subject is not politics, but eyewear.<br>Culled from the historic pages of the Trenton Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and other newspapers of the era.<br>***<br>Follow and share these other awesome true crime shows on Himalaya to win a trip to the Stanley Hotel!<br>Obscura: <a href="https://www.himalaya.com/obscura" rel="noopener">https://www.himalaya.com/obscura</a><br>The Box of Oddities: <a href="https://www.himalaya.com/BOO" rel="noopener">https://www.himalaya.com/BOO</a><br>Crime Salad: <a href="https://www.himalaya.com/crimesalad" rel="noopener">https://www.himalaya.com/crimesalad</a><br>Out of the Shadows: <a href="https://www.himalaya.com" rel="noopener">https://www.himalaya.com</a>/Out <br>Invisible Choir: <a href="https://www.himalaya.com/choir" rel="noopener">https://www.himalaya.com/choir</a><br>***<br>A creation Of Pulpular Media<br>Also from Pulpular Media:<br>Portals to Possibility, an improvised comedy about an alternate reality, where monsters are real--and hilarious!!! Visit pulpular.com/portals for a brand-new episode.<br>Catastrophic Calmaties, Exploring the famous and forgotten disasters of the 19th and 20th centuries. What could go wrong? Everything!<br>Want to get a jump on the next episode of True Crime Historian? Why then, download the new podcast app Himalaya and get all new episodes a day early, then drop a buck in the tip jar for True Crime Historian. Or sign up for Himalaya Plus and for premium content and other special features.<br>Or you can support your favorite podcaster at <a href="http://www.patreon.com/truecrimehistorian" rel="noopener">www.patreon.com/truecrimehistorian</a>. Just a dollar an episode reserves your bunk at the safe house and access to exclusive content and whatever personal services you require.<br>***<br>Opening theme by Nico Vitesse.<br>Incidental music by Nico Vitesse, Chuck Wiggins, and Dave Sams. Some music and sound effects licensed from podcastmusic.com.<br>Closing theme by Dave Sams and Rachel Schott, engineered by David Hisch at Third Street Music.<br>Media management by Sean Miller-Jones<br>Richard O Jones, Executive Producer