Wisdom - Difference between emotions and feelings

Growing Big People with PS. show

Summary: <p>We need more border control to stop incoming emotions becoming illegal feelings. Emotions are data feelings are our interpretation of that data and their needs to be gap between them. </p> <p>No inner immigration control at that emotional border allows rogue feelings to move in and embed themselves into our internal society.</p> <p>Thank you for listening to the Growing Big People with Paul Scanlon podcast, we want to hear from you so please keep in touch with us and share your thoughts on this episode with Paul on his social media - @PaulScanlonuk</p> <p><em><strong>Don't forget to subscribe, and leave us your review.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>For more information about Paul Scanlon on events and resources visit</strong><a href="https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/new/www.paulscanlon.com"><strong> </strong></a><a href="www.paulscanlon.com"><u><strong>paulscanlon.com</strong></u></a></p> <p><strong>Or email pa@paulscanlon.com</strong></p>