#085: All God’s children

Simply Convivial: Organization & Mindset for Home & Homeschool show

Summary: Welcome to the Simply Convivial Audio blog, where we practice managing our lives with fruitful, faithful resilience, overcoming distraction and discouragement, so we can glorify God in our work and our attitudes.<br> Motherhood shifts our perspective on life. Today’s episode is a baby shower devotional I gave at my sister-in-law’s baby shower three years ago. In it I share good news, bad news, and good news about how we change when we become mothers.<br> Let’s dig in.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Original post:<br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="%E2%80%9C%E2%80%9Chttps://www.simplyconvivial.com/2016/motherhood/%E2%80%9D%E2%80%9D">Mothers are children, too.</a><br> <br> <br> <br> Motherhood is one avenue for sanctification – one of many, but a very effective and intensive one. All the phases that will come and go are double-edged means. They are calls on you to serve God by loving and discipling your children through them and they will be tools God uses to love and disciple you.<br> <br> <br> I’d love to have you join in the mission of Simply Convivial: to organize our attitudes and do the right next thing to glorify God and enjoy Him forever – starting now. Visit <a href="https://membership.simplyconvivial.com/">Simply Convivial Membership</a> to learn more about how to do that. <br> In January I collected some tips about brain dumps from members. Here are a few of them: <br> Sue said: <br> <br> <br> My thoughts tend to get jammed on the way out because there are to many that want to make their way out at once. Following the brain dump prompts has help me to put my thoughts in line knowing that each one will have its own time.<br> <br> <br> Danielle gave this tip:<br> <br> <br> I review my brain dump from the last week or so when i’m sitting in carpool lane or at kids gymnastic lessons.<br> <br> <br> and my own addition: <br> <br> <br> Don’t overthink the brain dump – it’s not a finished product, it’s a constant brainstorm<br> <br> <br> <a href="https://membership.simplyconvivial.com/">Simply Convivial Membership</a> includes not only my homemaking and homeschooling courses, all in one place, it is also a community of likeminded women, committed to growth and faithfulness amidst their full lives.<br> We’d love to have you join us. Visit <a href="https://membership.simplyconvivial.com/">Simply Convivial Membership</a> to learn more. And of course you can find that free brain dump guide by clicking below.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>