Discovery Channel Dive into Long Term Business Challenges and Eventual Kickstarter Success – ATK061

Art of the Kickstart show

Summary: Discovery Channel videographer and underwater creative Dan Burton of Eye Mirror shares the story of long term business building with challenges, setbacks and Kickstarter crowdfunding success. If you've ever wanted 360 degree amazingness in video and product creation this product is absolutely worth checking out.<br> <br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank">The Eye Mirror 360º Kickstarter Campaign</a><br> <br> Key Crowdfunding Takeaways<br> <br> * The challenges of coming to market too early<br> * Why doing what you love is a great way to build a business<br> * How find an amazing cofounder<br> * The challenges of showcasing complex products<br> * What happens when a project goes on a long break<br> * Why Kickstarter photography products do so well<br> * The reasons to build a product you would use yourself<br> * How to use new technology to create a whole new class of products<br> * Why delivering a product late to backers can be beneficial<br> <br> Success Quotes<br> None. Just do what you love.<br> Links<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> * <a href=";hl=en" target="_blank">The Eye Mirror Android App</a><br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Connect with Dan<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank">@EyeMirror360</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">@DanDiver</a><br> <br> Kickstarter Love<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank">AirDog</a><br> * <a href="" target="_blank">PowerUp 3.0 Paper Airplane</a><br> <br> Our Sponsor<br> <br> * <a href="">eFulFillment Service</a>: Want to get your rewards out to backers and eliminate the hassle of post-campaign shipping? EFS can help with tons of crowdfunding experience and special discounts for Art of the Kickstart listeners these guys are a great bet to help your business grow.<br> <br> Love the Show? Leave us a Review<br> <a href=""></a><br> <br>