Hackers Half a Million for Kickstarting a Open Source, Ergonomic Keyboard to Transform the Way We Work – ATK111

Art of the Kickstart show

Summary: Half a million for a hacker keyboard changing the way the world types. Today inventors Kaia and Jesse join to share how opensourcing, building mailing lists and customer testing created a gamechanging ergonomic accessory that has dominated Kickstarter to date.<br> <br> <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/keyboardio/the-model-01-an-heirloom-grade-keyboard-for-seriou" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Keyboard.io Kickstarter Campaign</a><br> [one-half-first] [/one-half-first][one-half]<a href="https://artofthekickstart.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Keyboardio-Stats.png"></a>[/one-half]<br> <br> Success Quote<br> "Learn how to throw yourself towards the ground and miss."<br> <br> "The best time to have started your community building and built your mailing list was two years ago, the second best time is today."<br> <br> [clear-line]<br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Key Crowdfunding Takeaways<br> <br> * How a startup collapse can create a business blast off<br> * The power of open source products and information<br> * Why transparency takes startups to the customer level<br> * How open-sourcing allows hardware products to improve over time and engage users<br> * The reason beta testers are big market validators for entrepreneurs<br> * How to perfect product testing for serious success<br> * Startup funding and thoughts on small scale investment<br> * The importance of preparing in advance for manufacturing and production runs<br> * How to organically grow a mailing list for product launches<br> * The importance of connections with big organizations<br> * Why a road trip promotion powered Kickstarter success<br> * The importance of getting products in front of people<br> * What happens when you agree with customer criticism<br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Links<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.keyboard.io/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">keyboard.io</a><br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Influential Book<br> <br> * <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0671027034/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=0671027034&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=remoboat-20&amp;linkId=JAW5FDNDFDMFJ3RL">How to Win Friends and Influence People</a> by Dale Carnegie<br> <br> Connect with Kaia and Jess<br> <br> * <a href="https://twitter.com/keyboardio?lang=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@keyboardio</a><br> * <a href="https://www.facebook.com/Keyboardio" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Keyboard.io's Facebook</a><br> <br> Love the Show? Leave us a Review<br> <a href="http://bit.ly/1oYXnYw"></a><br> <br> [clear-line]<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> [clear-line]<br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Crowdfund Academy Listener Special<br> <br> <br> [clear-line]<br> <br> [clear-line]<br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> [clear-line]<br> Our Sponsor<br> <br> * <a href="http://bit.ly/1lbn0dr">eFulFillment Service</a>: Want to get your rewards out to backers and eliminate the hassle of post-campaign shipping? EFS can help with tons of crowdfunding experience and special discounts for Art of the Kickstart listeners these guys are a great bet to help your business grow.<br>