Crowdfunding Management Made Simpler with CrowdOx – AOTK 221

Art of the Kickstart show

Summary: Many creatives who decide to go the crowdfunding route in order to jumpstart their project underestimate one thing more than anything else: crowdfunding management. What does it entail? It's the things that go on behind the scenes or should happen in every campaign that enable products to be created in a quality and timely fashion, fulfilled without problems and shipped without a hitch. Most creatives don't know anything about organizing those kinds of details, which is why CrowdOx was created. This conversation features Chandler Copenhaver, a key player on the CrowdOx team who walks us through what the CrowdOx system does to help creatives get a handle on their crowdfunding management and successfully complete successful campaigns.<br> Fulfilling orders from your crowdfunding campaign is an overwhelming experience for many creators<br> Okay, you have successfully funded your first crowdfunding campaign. Now the real work begins. How are you going to organize all of the backer information, compute the unique shipping costs on each order, organize and distribute the rewards and ensure that nobody falls through the cracks? It takes a lot more than an Excel spreadsheet to make that happen. The team at CrowdOx has created a software solution that integrates seamlessly with both Kickstarter and Indiegogo so that you can pull together all your data and easily see the status on every pledge and fulfillment issue. Chandler Copenhaver is my guest on this episode of Art of the Kickstart, and explains how CrowdOx can help you create an incredible experience for the wonderful people who back your crowdfunding campaign.<br> If you have a successful campaign, you’re going to need help with your crowdfunding management in order to keep your backers happy<br> One of the complaints often heard about crowdfunding campaigns is that sometimes backers never receive what they expected. Other times they receive it, but much later than was promised. The reason for these kinds of glitches is simple: dealing with the details of fulfilling thousands of orders is not an easy task, especially if the person in charge of the crowdfunding campaign is not naturally an administratively-oriented person. CrowdOx is a supplement to any crowdfunding campaign that takes the confusion and frustration out of the crowdfunding management process. Find out how you can keep your backers happy by fulfilling every order on time, on this episode of Art of the Kickstart.<br> What if you could easily offer your campaign backers add-on products or upsells? CrowdOx handles it seamlessly<br> One of the coolest things Chandler Copenhaver described during this conversation was CrowdOx’s ability to offer supplementary products to backers during the product fulfillment process. Oftentimes, greater profit margins can be realized through add-on products than is possible through the primary product that backers supported. But it's not just about the profit, those backers receive a bonus that enables them to use the product more effectively, with greater ease or in ways they didn't think possible. Find out how CrowdOx can help you offer your campaign backers add-on products or upsells by listening to this episode.<br> No creator wants to spend time figuring out the specifics of crowdfunding management, like shipping costs. That’s why CrowdOx was created<br> Shipping costs can be one of the most confusing aspects of managing any crowdfunding campaign simply because the variables are almost limitless. Imagine the different things you have to consider when shipping a product to South Africa as compared to shipping it to Dallas, Texas and you'll get a feel for what I'm talking about. The CrowdOx system integrates with Indiegogo and Kickstarter to enable you to take the pain and hassle out of those kinds of shipping issues. You can get accurate estimated cost of shipping and fulfill your orders without a problem simply by using the tools they offer.