Never Underestimate the Power of Securing Consumer Trust, Nishant Kapoor – AOTK 225

Art of the Kickstart show

Summary: How important is consumer trust when you are launching a new product? While some organizations may overlook this factor, the ones that find early success often work hard at securing consumer trust. My guest today is business leader and serial entrepreneur, Nishant Kapoor. With over a decade of experience in ecommerce and startups in the UK, India and Hong Kong, Nishant thrives in helping entrepreneurs and businesses build long-term, direct-to-consumer relationships using ecommerce and digital marketing. In our conversation, we discuss his recent success in helping to roll out the Quilo Fan, why consumer trust is so important, how Quilo was able to get fully funded on Kickstarter, lessons learned along the way, and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this engaging episode!  <br> What it takes to secure consumer trust. <br> One of the most important aspects of securing consumer trust is to deliver your product in the right timing. As many businesses have found out, this truth is often easier said than done. For Nishant Kapoor and his team at Quilo, delay wasn’t an option. They worked hard to get the Quilo Fan shipped and in the hands of their buyers as quickly as possible because their success depended on it. They knew that if the fan arrived in the winter or cooler months, their customers wouldn’t have the chance to use it and enjoy its amazing benefits. As difficult as the effort may have been to get the product into the hands of buyers so quickly, the result ended up paying huge dividends in consumer trust and positive word of mouth. To hear more about the role of consumer trust in Quilo’s story, make sure to listen to this episode! <br> How to get fully funded on Kickstarter. <br> What does it take to get a campaign fully funded on Kickstarter? Is it just dumb luck or are there strategic steps innovators and businesses can take to get their product in the best position to succeed? According to Nishant Kapoor, one of the most important things they did at Quilo was to reach out to influencers and bloggers asking them to promote their campaign, no matter the audience size. This strategy seemed to work out for Nishant and his team, they were able to get massive exposure and put out a quality product at just the right time to earn consumer trust. Make sure to listen to this episode as Nishant expands on this topic and more! <br> The value of focusing on branding and audience early on. <br> What are some of the common mistakes made by many innovators who are looking to bring a new tech product to the marketplace? While there may be many common mistakes with creating the product and testing it, Nishant Kapoor says that most mistakes are made when it comes to branding and considering who the target audience will be. In our conversation, Nishant was kind enough to open up about how Quilo was able to hone in on their target audience and execute a streamlined and focused branding approach. The idea of identifying and marketing to a target audience seems so simple but Nishant is convinced that too many innovators miss this critical step. Learn more from Nishant’s expert perspective on this informative episode! <br> How scouring Amazon reviews can help you create an innovative product. <br> Did you know that one of the best ways to research and identify a great product that will succeed in the marketplace is by scouring Amazon reviews? It’s true! The best part about this practice is that it doesn’t cost you a dime, you just have to be willing to put in the time and effort to conduct the research. Where else can innovators and entrepreneurs go to get honest and critical feedback on a wide range of products and categories? On this episode, you’ll hear from Nishant Kapoor as he shares how the team at Quilo was able to mine Amazon reviews on similar fans and use that info to create a product that has wide appeal. You don’t want to miss this inspiring and engaging episode! <br> Key Takeaways<br>