Keeping Your Crowdfunding Backers In the Loop, Philip Winter – AOTK 226

Art of the Kickstart show

Summary: It may sound obvious, but one of the most important aspects of getting a crowdfunding product off the ground is keeping your crowdfunding backers in the loop! Too many businesses fail to get off the ground because they neglect this vital step. <a href="">Today we have returning guest, Philip Winter.</a> Philip is the CEO and Co-Founder of Nebia, the Nebia shower launched on Kickstarter in August 2015 and raised over $3M in one month. In our conversation, Philip gives an update on how the Nebia shower head has fared since the campaign ended, why they focused early on keeping their crowdfunding backers in the loop, lessons they’ve learned along the way and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this fascinating episode featuring Philip! <br> Why testing your product with as many people as possible is critical. <br> If you want to set your new product up for success, it’s critical that you get it into the hands of as many people as possible before you begin to market it to customers. While this may seem like a no-brainer, Philip Winter has seen many sellers neglect this step and come to regret it. He and his team take a lot of pride in the fact that they were able to test their product and refine it before they sent it off to their crowdfunding backers. To hear more about this process and how Philip and his team crowdfunded and fulfilled a stellar product, the Nebia shower, make sure to listen to this episode! <br> If you want your product to take off, you’ve got to do your homework! <br> Let’s face it, very few people have the patience to research and take the time to study what causes a product to succeed. Philip Winter and his team at Nebia decided to go against the grain and do the hard thing, they went to work interviewing and studying successful crowdfunding products. Walking away from all of their research, Philip and his team went to work building hype before the campaign, getting a good base of people who were willing to support the product early and figuring out what makes for an attractive and engaging product video. Don’t miss this episode as Philip expands on this topic and much more! <br> Communicating with crowdfunding backers can make all the difference. <br> Many successful crowdfunding campaigns aren't prepared for their success and the period that follows after a crowdfunding campaign ends. That’s why it is so important to take the time to learn from the startups that do it right and focus on communicating effectively with their crowdfunding backers every step of the way. Philip Winter and his team at Nebia went to work within the first few months after their campaign ended and dedicated themselves to giving their backers an update at the end of every month, leading to 22 updates in total. Find out how this strategy played a pivotal role in Nebia’s success by listening to this informative episode! <br> Why it’s helpful to raise capital before you start your crowdfunding campaign. <br> One of the best ways to get your crowdfunding campaign off to a good start is by securing as much funding as possible before you start your campaign. As hard as that may be for many startup entrepreneurs, it can have a huge impact on the success rate of the campaign. On this episode, Philip Winter opens up about how he and his team at Nebia were able to reach out to friends and family for their initial funding before their successful campaign. Learn how this strategy impacted the way they were able to deliver to their crowdfunding backers and more on this episode!  <br> Key Takeaways<br> <br> [1:05] Philip Winter joins the podcast to give an update about the Nebia Shower. <br> [3:30] How did Philip and his team decide which features to include? <br> [5:30] Suggestions on getting your crowdfunding product funded quickly. <br> [7:00] Philip talks about Nebia’s campaign video and following up with backers.