Do You Feel Like God Doesn’t Want You To Have Goals?

The Dani Johnson Show – Dani Johnson show

Summary: Have you ever had what seems like a crazy dream? Maybe it's to travel the world. Maybe it's to live in your dream home. Maybe it's to run a business or a charity that helps others. Do you believe God blesses you in that dream?<br> <br> Many of us squash our dreams. We see living a "Godly" life as living a small life, and success is never in the cards. In today's episode, Dani is sharing how absolutely WRONG that thinking is, and why God wants you to reach your dreams. <br> In This Episode You Will Learn:<br> <br> How we become programmed to believe our goals and dreams are unattainable and not actually for us.<br> That you don't have to end up where you are starting from, and your dreams are totally within your reach.<br> Some tips to stay on track to meet your goals and start seeing your dreams become your reality.<br> <br> Additional Resources:<br> <br> 10-Step War On Debt Battle Plan: This step-by-step program will teach you how to take control of your finances, annihilate your debt and stop worrying how you're going to cover the bills every month. By the end, you will be fully equipped to live a life of financial freedom. In fact, the tools in this system are what allowed Dani and Hans to build their dream home.<br> <br> Thanks for joining us today! If you know someone who could use these same tools, share this post on Facebook, and head over to iTunes to leave a review and let us know what you thought about today's show!<br> <br> (P.S., not an iTunes user? No problem. There are apps for your smart devices called "podcatchers" that allow you to download and listen to podcasts. These apps often notify you when a new episode is available, or automatically download new episodes of podcasts you've subscribed to. For Android, we recommend Pocket Casts. For Android or iOS, check out Acast. And of course, every episode is available right here at!)